Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Awesome Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower was the first attraction I visited in Paris. What a thrill to see it soaring above the city and know that soon I’d be ascending to the upper levels. The size took me by surprise with it being much more substantial than I expected. The massive iron framework houses elevators that transport visitors to the viewing decks and offer a great view on the way up. I bought a miniature Eiffel Tower from a gift shop within the tower and it now sits in my bedroom as a reminder of the day I surveyed Paris from one of the most famous landmarks in the world.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Welcome to 100 Words of Travel

Travel is an amazing adventure that opens our lives to new understanding and amazing experiences. I think of the words of Aladdin in the Disney movie of the same name. He sings about taking a magic carpet ride and seeing the world from a "new fantastic point of view".

In Travel Bites, I'll be sharing 100 word posts that will inspire, educate and create a longing in you to explore our amazing world. Tips on how to travel wisely and enjoy the journey along the way will be included. I look forward to the pleasure of your company!